Welcome to AMOV
We offer high quality products made from organic materials. The brand name was inspired by the Albert Einstein quote: "Try not to become a man of success, but rather A Man Of Value". Our tag line: "The Quest for Balance" describes how we aim to find balance in doing business while minimising harm.
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Get to know us better

We Are Fashion Revolution
Be a part of a global movement for a fairer, safer, cleaner, and more transparent fashion industry. You vote with your vallet.

We Are Organic
All of our apparel is 100% organic. We believe in organic products.

Our Guidelines
- Organic matherials,
- High quality fabric,
- Design for long lifetime,
- Responsible production.
Find Us
Gravene 10, 8800 Viborg
Wednesday - Friday 12 noon - 5:30 pm
Saturday 10 am - 2 pm